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  • Jessie Ramsey

What Makes You Whole?

What makes you feel whole?

Is it your appearance? I am so guilty of worrying too much about how I look, and especially about how other people think I look. I wish I were that person who just didn’t care, but I’m not. I don’t have to wear expensive clothes, more then half of my clothes are hand me downs and I love it! I also don't have to wear the most trending trends, I just have to look nice. Or at least I think I do. Society has forced its standard of beauty, teaching us that we should measure a certain size, weigh this much, and look this way. But, would you feel whole if you were all those things?

Is it Money or your occupation? We are forever chasing something better. Better pay. Better commute. Better experience. Better boss/co-workers. Better car. Better house. What is that you are chasing? If you finally caught up to it, would you feel whole?

Is it how many likes you can get on Facebook? It’s obvious we crave attention, connection and a feeling that someone is interested in us and paying attention to us. Social media can fill that need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But would you feel whole if you had 10,000 friends on instagram?

Is it a boyfriend or husband? It is so easy to place the responsibility of our happiness and wholeness on someone else, especially the one you love. How often do we blame our spouse for our unhappiness? I know I do. My poor husband takes the blame for that too often and far too undeserving. But, realizing that your sweet heart is only human, could they ever truly and solely make you whole?

In Acts 3 A lame beggar from birth was carried everyday to the temple gates to beg for money to those going into the temple. When the man asked Peter and John for money Peter responded by saying…

“Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you, In the name of Jesus Christ, walk.”

Peter then helped him up and he began leaping and praising God.

I know, what’s my point, right? Check this out. Just like that crippled man, we can be made whole in ways we didn’t even know weren’t. That man wasn’t asking for physical help, possibly because he had lost hope in ever being able to walk, he was asking for money. He thought that was what he needed most. EVERYDAY that is what he asked for. Peter and John didn’t give the man what he thought he needed. They gave him what he truly needed, to be made whole. Friend, God is willing to make you whole. The Leper said to Jesus “If you are willing Lord, you can make me clean” and Jesus said “I am willing.” HE IS WILLING. We too have places in us that need healing, that need to be made whole again or for the first time ever. You may not know what that is but He does. Pray that the Lord would open your heart and eyes to what you truly need. What will truly make you whole. I am doing the same thing. He will make you whole. He is the only one who can.

I say this a lot but I am praying for you! Please feel free to message me if you have anything I can pray for specifically.

Be whole, my friends.

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